RFQ for Procurement of a private party for the Gulu Logistics HUb under a Public Private Partnership (PPP)

The Government of Uganda (GoU) through Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) is developing the Gulu Logistics Hub (GLH) in conjunction with TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, U.K. (FCDO) and the European Union (EU). The development of the GLH is being undertaken in a phased manner. The Phase 1 of the project focusses on establishment of a large portion of the hard infrastructure required and is envisaged to be completed by early 2022. The Phase 2 focusses on expansion of the hard infrastructure and development of new facilities.

The Contracting Authority, Uganda Railways Corporation ("URC"), supported by its Transaction Advisors, is in the process of procuring a private sector participant to lease, develop, operate and transfer the GLH (the "Gulu Logistics Hub PPP Project"). The private party appointed for the GLH will have two specific obligations as follows:

·                     Operate and maintain the infrastructure developed in the Phase 1; and

·                     Finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the infrastructure in the Phase 2.

The URC invites Statement of Qualification (SOQ) through this (RFQ) for procurement of a private party for the Gulu Logistics Hub under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement. Following receipt of the SOQs, URC intends to select a shortlist of Qualified Respondents to be invited to participate in the RFP Stage of the Project. The submission of an SOQ is the first required stage of the Tendering process.

Please refer to the RFQ document for the minimum eligibility criteria along with submission requirements. The complete RFQ document can be viewed / downloaded from portal of URC at www.urc.go.ug from 21.12.2021 to 28.02.2022 (up to 12:00 Hrs). 



The Respondent shall enclose the original and the copies (including any soft copies of SOQ with file size not exceeding 5 MB to be sent through email on the email id provided below) of the SOQ in a sealed envelope or box and addressed to URC by Monday, 28th  February, 2022 at 12 noon as per the details provided in the RFQ For further information about this RFQ, visit www.urc.go.ug or contact us on +256 (0) 312 219 144 or email: info@urc.go.ug

Monday, March 7, 2022