Kampala Waste Management


VALUE: UGX 163 Billion

CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Kampala Capital City Authority

REGION: Central

SECTOR: Transport & Logistics

PHASE: Development

In 2012 KCCA signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation(IFC), to provide support in structuring the first Solid Waste Management Public-Private Partnership(PPP) Project ("the SMW PPP Project") for Kampala Capital City. the SWM PPP Project has been developed in two components namely:

  • Component 1(Waste Collection and Transport): Procurement of a number of private operatorsto collect and transport waste from selected collection zones; and 

  • Component 2(Waste Treatment and Disposal) : Procurement of a suitable Private Partnership to design, construct, operate and manage a new engineered treatment plant and sanitary landfill including closure and capping of the existing landfill at Kiteezi

Component 1 sucessfully closed in 2014 with KCCA signing concessions with three private operators for the collection and transport of approximately 33% of the MSW produced in Kampala City to the Kiteezi landfill.

Implementation of Component 2 was initially postponed due to the limited availability of land to developed a new sanitary landfill. Following acquisition of a 135-acre site at Dundu, in Mukono District, KCCA restarted Component 2 with support from the IFC to assist in the design and implementation of a PPP transaction.

KCCA and private operators apppointed by the KCCA, will remain responsible for the collection and transportation of all waste delivered to the new facilities at Dundu. Wate will also be collected and delivered to Dundu by Mukono District. The cost of closure and rehabilitation of the existing landfill at Kiteezi including resentment , retraining and other support to parties affected will be to KCCA's account.
